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Helping others

with financial struggles and restoring credit.  

    When there is an individual with financial issues or one who simply is not able to make ends meet, due to loss of a job or bad credit, there are programs and resources that can help. But, most are not familiar with the strategies that can change their life. 


     Helping U has been created to literally walk you through the problem and get the financial support you need. This is done through counseling, financial support, and creative credit improvement ideas. The process takes 30-60 days, but it will get you the information and intelligence you need to balance your future.

Supplying services for:

> Credit Improvement  


> Certified Counselor 


> Bank Applications Expert


> Indiviual /Financial Sponorship 

  Ben Sanchez, 55 

"With Ben Sanchez as your mentor, you will be able reestablish your credit, get the best direction, and in some cases get a greater job."

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